Hello! I’ve just made improvements to this simple blog. We can now search. I can also write about other topics under different folders. It’s no longer about daily entries.

I’m going to include some technical notes below, written in close to layman terms as possible.

How is this set up? I just adopted a simpler setup, using an awesome open source software called Quartz to publish my notes in Obsidian as blog posts.

How it works: I forked the Quartz code base, then move my blog posts over to the content/Blog folder, then set up the code to build and push to GitHub Pages.

In order to write my posts in Obsidian, separate from the code (which I update via Visual Studio Code), I created a symbolic link from my vault to the content/Blog folder.

My writing now primarily lives in a GitHub repo and version controlled. Through the symbolic link, my entries are also synchronized by Dropbox on the Obsidian side.