I disappeared in June. A few unhappy incidents on the personal and family side required a shift in priorities. I could not write in public because I would not be willing to air my dirty laundry. Hopefully, the worst is behind me now.

I do not expect an audience for what I write, but a few friends (hello!) asked me why they had not seen me post daily anymore. I am moved that they cared to check. Writing feels foreign to me again. My writing muscle has been replaced with fat tissues, apparently.

That said, I’ve picked up a few experiments that make the return stronger than before.

Oh, in June, I completed Ironman Philippines in 13 hours and 40 minutes, and I’m proud of my first 140.6km distance. Since then, I’ve been able to enjoy cutting back on training after the last race. I’ve been spending more time working, drinking beer watching a few Euro 2024 matches.

Today I signed up for an ultramarathon 70km in Jan 2025. I am not yet eligible for it. I need to submit a certificate of completing a 50km trail race 30 days prior to the race. To qualify for that, I would need to do a 25km and 50km race before. Let’s go!