May has started. Let’s jot down some highlights from April.

I clocked 51 hours of training, the highest ever since I started in August 2019. This was driven by the need to build up endurance for IM Philippines (Subic), which is coming up in June. It may sound discouraging but my training load is only average or less. People tend to put in 15 hours a week or more. What an expensive hobby, timing-wise, but it screams commitment. That said, I will be able to get far with the current training load if I work smarter.

I started writing in public on April 10. I’m still a beginner, dedicating 30 minutes to 1 hour daily to jotting down my thoughts and publishing them. This month, I plan to have longer deep work time to reflect on my writing and set new goals.

I changed my approach to learning German. It’s still too early to say too much, except after trying a couple of apps, I settled on Seedlang. I will need to set a goal regarding how far I can get on the curriculum. That sounds like a training program in endurance sports. I should look at how to get an A1 cert. That could be similar to signing up for a 10km race.

Also, this month, I started rethinking relationships. I should learn relationship skills. I started connecting with people again. Meeting Till in person got me started in writing in public. I also shared my early days of writing with a few friends. They have been kind enough to check it out, encourage me, and give feedback. After enjoying his blog posts, I drew the confidence to message the author, John, who has been really kind and supportive.

May you have a great month ahead!

Next: Musings over a restless night