It’s a short one today.

I’m in Da Nang this weekend, getting ready for the Ironman 70.3 race tomorrow. I’ve done this same race twice now (the first time was in 2022 after being canceled at the last minute in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19), so it’s a very familiar setting. I also hung out with a couple of friends and acquaintances who brought their families on this trip.

Unlike the past trips with a fuller family attendance, this trip I flew with my older daughter. My wife is home with our younger one. The split responsibility creates a special bond. Similarly, traveling alone with my mom or dad makes it easier to create memories.

I tested the sea this afternoon while watching the kids play at the shore. The waves were stronger than usual, and I felt a strong current that pulled me out. That’s scary. The lifeguard at the beach told me he had just saved someone at 3 pm. It would be better tomorrow morning, he said. Many athletes who try out the ocean swim today must be worried. I wouldn’t go out there by myself. I would feel better tomorrow with a lot of participants and support staff.

I discovered that my bike’s chain was too old, so I’ll ride on a new chain for the first time tomorrow.

It’s best to have things predictable for the race. One thing that will be predictable is the hot weather. It was scorching last year and will likely be the same tomorrow.

I’ve prepared my race kit and set the alarm for 3:45 am. Let’s go!

Next: Ironman 70.3 Vietnam Recap