On April 10, exactly a month ago, I took on a 1-week writing challenge. The goal was to write in public for a week. I opted for a low-friction way to start: setting up a blog on mixa.net. I did not intend to stop there. Two weeks later, I moved my blog to https://endure.im.

Along the way, I have explored how to communicate in writing, one topic at a time. I’m aware of many flaws along the way. but accepting my flaws has helped me keep moving. I wish to go back to many past posts to edit or rewrite. However, it’s important to keep on with the journey. Today, I reflect on the tools I use to write.

I don’t write on my iPhone. I sometimes take note of ideas, but I try to wait until I have my MBP 13” open to write. I aim to finish a draft, sometimes the whole piece, in one sitting.

I don’t write on a blogging service like Medium or a fancy note-taking app like Notion. Local files are cool again. My favorite thing on the plane now is to fire up Obsidian and type away. Plain text is king again. I use Markdown formatting to embed links, images, and tables. I am still experimenting, but one day, I’ll be ready to share how I use Obsidian for note-taking and building a personal knowledge base.

I don’t use ChatGPT to write, at least if I can help it. Using LLM for language needs is like using GPS for navigation. If you only care to go from point A to point B, GPS helps you with just that. It also helps you avoid making mistakes. Learning is about making mistakes. My primary goal is to adopt a new thinking paradigm with writing practices. Instead, I would use ChatGPT to find flaws in my writing when I have a draft or am stuck. It’s easier to take my own time on this personal routine. Sometimes, we are impatient at work and go straight to ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude, whichever is your favorite. However, my simple tip is not to ask AI to create something for you when you can afford it but to ask AI to review your work. What have I not considered? How can I reorganize so that it’s drastically better?

One thing I have yet to do is come up with a plan. In endurance training, I have workout plans generated for me targeting a race three months ago. I am curious if there is something similar to that. I am also on the lookout for some kind of writing program online. I plan to prioritize writing over fitness as soon as I finish my first full Ironman next month.

Next: Race Weekend In Da Nang