Hello, this blog has a new home https://endure.im
Two weeks ago, I started “writing in public” thanks to a Writing challenge. As I keep the habit of posting a piece of writing daily, I can justify spending a couple of hours setting up this blog. It’s clean, minimal, and has no hosting fees. I publish my writing directly from my note-taking app Obsidian to GitHub, and then a GitHub Action automatically publishes the relevant content on GitHub Pages.
What’s with the change in the name? The long name is still “endurepreneur”. I blog on endurance and entrepreneurship. I want a shorter name. That’s how I arrived at endure.
To me, endurance exhibits itself in many important aspects of life: endurance in sports, specifically marathons and triathlons; endurance in entrepreneurship, specifically the never-give-up and never-stop-learning spirit; and endurance in life-long learning, such as learning to write and learning German.
Why the .im domain? IM is for the “the Isle of Man,” which is pretty cool in itself. IM is also short for Ironman. I do Ironman middle (70.3)and long (104.6) races every year. Such races keep me motivated and fit.
And so we continue here in the new home. I am still looking for an idea of a race for writing. Maybe an online program. I should start making a list of writers that I want to follow and look for writing coaches.