After completing Ironman Philippines last month, I shifted my focus entirely to work, swapping 15 hours of weekly training for coding marathons and digital experiments. My obsessive nature drives me to dive deep into new targets, but now, as work takes precedence, training has fallen by the wayside. How do I find balance and reclaim my training regimen?

As shared in Skipped June. Hello July!, I have a series of trail exciting races coming up. I am completely new to trail, hence having to work up from half, to full, then ultra distances. Much of my IM training in the past had to be indoor or on boring concrete, I’ve always wanted to connect with nature. It’s likely that I’ll have a marathon in December too, making it one race per month. I should not let July and August see me struggling closer to September. Yet, waking up early for workouts has been a struggle. How can I find the discipline to train consistently?

Perhaps a better question is, how do I ease myself back into my identity? When I do a year in review, I will probably revisit Count on identity, not willpower to see if what I said actually made sense. I’ve fallen out of learning German — it’s another item to get back on track. If I slack off running again, my list of failures rack up.

July’s training stats are a wake-up call. It’s time to get back into action. Work is always there. Work smarter. Workout expects me there. Train harder. Here’s what I have to wake up to. No excuses!